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無名氏本地Gin酒 主題調酒課程

1 小
680 港元 起
Flair Iron 香港調酒工作室


・參加者需年滿18歲 ・確認落實付款後不設取消退款,如需改期需課程開始前一天通知並收取手續費為$200 ・參加者需準時到達上課場地,因課程編排日程及人手安排,如遲到15分鐘將需重新安排在本公司和參加者共同同意的日期進行,並收取手續費為$200 ・如在課程開始前4小時內發出預先8號颱風警告、8號或以上颱風警告信號,或黑色暴雨警告信號,該課程將被重新安排在本公司和參加者共同同意的日期進行。 ・Participants must be at least 18 years old. ・Once payment is confirmed, there are no cancellations or refunds. If rescheduling is needed, it must be notified one day before the start of the course, and a handling fee of $200 will be charged. ・Participants must arrive on time at the venue. If there is 15 minutes late, the course will be rescheduled to a date agreed upon by the company and the participant, and a handling fee of $200 will be charged. ・If a Pre-No.8 Typhoon Warning, Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or above, or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued within 4 hours before the start of the course, the course will be rescheduled to a date agreed upon by the company and the participant.


  • Hong Kong, Tai Kok Tsui, Walnut Street, 福星工廠大廈

    +852 61085678

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